Plagiarism Policy
SIGHPC Plagiarism Checking Policy for Papers
Respecting intellectual property rights is a foundational principle of the ACM's Codes of Ethics (link to Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, is an item of concern for SIGHPC because of our role in sponsoring, co-sponsoring, or providing in-cooperation status to a wide range of events. Our members, and the HPC community at large, expect SIGHPC’s endorsement of an event to be a mark of quality for both technical merit and adherence to the ethical standards of our profession.
In furtherance of these goals, SIGHPC adopts the following policy for conferences and workshops:
The use of plagiarism checking software is mandatory for all accepted papers at workshops, conferences, and other events that are sponsored by SIGHPC. When SIGHPC is a co-sponsor, plagiarism checking is required for any event for which SIGHPC is at least a 50% co-sponsor. The papers must be checked before the final program is announced or the proceedings are put into production for publication (either uploaded to the DL or printed), whichever comes first.
Plagiarism checking software for all accepted papers is strongly encouraged for co-sponsored events where SIGHPC’s share of the sponsorship is less than 50%.
Use of plagiarism checking software is encouraged for other SIGHPC in-coop conferences and workshops.
SIGHPC provides access to plagiarism checking software free of charge for its sponsored and co-sponsored meetings.
Version 1.0, Adopted February 2018