Member Benefits
For just $25 per year, you can become part of the SIGHPC community. Prospective members may join at the annual SC conference, or online anytime. Join us today by using ACM's membership website. Membership in ACM is not required.
What do you get for your membership? Over time, will serve as a home base for a number of activities that currently do not exist or are run on an ad-hoc basis. Currently, the following member benefits apply:
Member Benefits:
Registration Discounts for all conferences/workshops/symposia that are in-cooperation, co-sponsored, or sponsored by SIGHPC
Access to the following content in the ACM Digital Library:
Proceedings of conferences sponsored by SIGHPC
SIGHPC Newsletter
Proceedings of conferences and workshops in cooperation with SIGHPC
Subscription to SIGHPC newsletter, published three times per year (online)
Special announcements and communications via SIGHPC-MEMBERS mail list
Eligibility for SIGHPC travel grants to HPC conferences
Voting rights in SIGHPC elections
Community Benefits:
A virtual community joining individuals who study, develop, teach, or support high-performance systems with those who are engaged in applying HPC across a broad spectrum of domains
Open access to past conference content through ACM OpenTOC for SC, PASC, and other events.
Virtual chapters, organized by special interest rather than geographic region
Co-sponsorship of four leading conferences in the field
Annual SIGHPC Outstanding Dissertation Award
Annual SIGHPC Emerging Woman Leader in Technical Computing Award
Co-sponsorship of the George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowships
Funds and administers the SIGHPC Fellowship program supporting graduate study for students from underrepresented groups in computational and data science ($2M in fellowships funded since 2016)
Promotes the inclusion of students, early career professionals, and underrepresented groups at HPC conferences
Support for ACM-W scholarship recipients attending SC conference, including mentorship and complimentary registration
Sponsors travel grants for students to all sponsored conferences
Social networking community through LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter
Additional benefits if you choose to join ACM as well:
As a member of ACM, you receive: Communications of the ACM; conference, journal, SIG, and book discounts; an e-mail forwarding address as a free service to members - and more. See the following for details:
Benefits of membership in ACM
Cost of ACM membership
How and why to join ACM (and/or SIGHPC)