Travel Support

Students and Early Career Professionals

SC25 Travel Grants

SIGHPC offers travel grants to help undergraduate, graduate students, and early career professionals attend the SC conference.

SIGHPC encourages, but does not require, the applicant's institution to match the grant and to recognize the applicant's achievement locally within their department. Applicants do not have to present at SC for consideration.

Who's eligible: 

How many: Up to 6 travel grants for students and up to 6 for early career professionals. 

What's included: 

Application deadline: September 5th, 2025, with notification provided by September 26, 2025.

How to apply: 

Applicants can apply at the following links starting August 1, 2025:

Applicants must provide the following:

In order to be considered for a grant, the application must be completed and the letter of support submitted on or before September 5, 2025.

If you have any questions, please contact or

Check out the awesome past recipients of SIGHPC travel grants!

SC25 Travel Scholarships for Women Students

SIGHPC has teamed with ACM's Women in Computing division (ACM-W) to help undergraduate and graduate women students attend the SC conference.

Who's eligible: Graduate or undergraduate women enrolled in an accredited university, in any country, who are student members of ACM. Although not required, preference is given to students co-authoring a paper or poster.

How many: Up to 3 travel scholarships. 

What's included: 

Application deadline: August 2025, ACM-W website see for details.

How to apply: Read the details and fill out the form on the ACM-W website

Check out the outstanding past recipients of these travel scholarships!

PASC25 Student Travel Grants

SIGHPC offers travel grants for four undergraduate or graduate students to attend PASC25

SIGHPC and PASC25 encourage students to submit their work to PASC25 however, this is not a requirement of the award.

Who's eligible: undergraduate or graduate, enrolled in an accredited university in any country. 

How many: Up to 2 students traveling from within Europe and 2 students from another continent. 

What's included: 

Applications deadline: March 30, 2025, with notification provided by April 30, 2025.

How to apply: 

Applicants must provide the following:

Please click here to access the application form.

To apply, fill-in the application form and send your letter of support (in PDF format) from the same email address entered on the form to Please indicate “PASC25 Student Travel Grant” as a subject line.

Selected students will be assigned a mentor for PASC25 who will help them get the most out of the conference by suggesting relevant program sessions and introducing them to experts in their research field.

Selected students will be assigned a mentor for PASC25 who will help them get the most out of the conference by suggesting relevant program sessions and introducing them to experts in their research field.