Your Event + SIGHPC
SIGHPC collaborates with conferences, workshops, and symposia through sponsorship and In-Cooperation arrangements.
The sponsor of an event has legal and financial responsibility. In-cooperation status is a formal agreement between ACM/SIGHPC and an event with the primary goals of shared publicity and encouraging association members to participate. In-cooperation specifically excludes financial participation, responsibility, or liability on the part of ACM.
Each relationship must be approved in advance by the SIGHPC Executive Committee and by ACM. The decision is based on the quality of the event and the likely benefit of its products (proceedings, reports, etc.). This is a formal agreement between a particular event and ACM/SIGHPC. If your event is held annually, approval must be requested each year.
Conference Sponsorship
SIGHPC-sponsored conferences are underwritten financially by SIGHPC, which therefore requires a close working relationship between SIGHPC and conference leadership. To maintain its not-for-profit status, ACM cannot enter into arrangements with meetings that are sponsored by for-profit entities, such as computer hardware/software manufacturers.
The ACM has also provided a SIG Conference Planning Guide with general guidelines and information. All SIGHPC-affiliated conferences are encouraged to follow SIGHPC guidelines and policies.
Sponsored conferences are entitled to:
Free entries in the Call for Papers and Professional Calendar sections of Communications of the ACM (CACM)
Special rates on advertisement in CACM, to be arranged directly through ACM
Publicize their event as “The ACM SIGHPC Conference on …”
Financial sponsorship from SIGHPC in proportion to SIGHPC’s share of total event sponsorship
Proceedings automatically published in the ACM Digital Library
ACM assistance with site selection and venue negotiations (dependent on conference budget)
Co-sponsored by SIGHPC
PPoPP: Annual Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
PASC: Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference Series
PEARC: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC) Conference Series
SC: International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
Events being held in cooperation with SIGHPC
HPDC: The International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing
IEEE CLUSTER: IEEE Cluster Conference
IPDPS: IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium
Euro-Par: International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
The proceedings of all collaborative events are available to SIGHPC members through the ACM Digital Library.
More Information
To maintain sponsored status, SIGHPC-sponsored conference organizers must meet the following requirements:
Prior to the Conference:
Post the following in a prominent location on the conference website at least 9 months prior to the conference:
ACM and SIGHPC logos
ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
ACM Policy Against Harassment
Promptly report any alleged violations of either of these above codes to the SIGHPC EC and ACM leadership.
Use dual-anonymous review for technical manuscript selection.
Apply ACM’s Considerations When Forming Diverse Teams where appropriate, including forming the conference organizing committee, program committee, and selecting reviewers.
Vet members of the organizing committee, program committee, reviewers and authors for ACM sanctions.
Submit a Preliminary Approval Form (PAF) with ACM at least 18 months prior to conference start.
File a conference budget with ACM at least 3 months prior to conference start.
Following the Conference:
Any awards funded by the conference and/or ACM must be included in the budget and submitted to ACM for processing within 1 month of the conference.
Close the conference finances with ACM no more than 3 months after the conference.
Send a narrative conference closing report no later than 3 months after the conference ends.
Ongoing Responsibilities:
Maintain a perennial steering committee, with clear criteria for rotating its membership. One member of the SIGHPC EC should be provided visibility on the steering committee email communications.
Maintain good financial health, governance, and academic standing. Conference health is monitored by the SIGHPC EC, and persistent concerns about financial losses, governance, decreasing attendance, or decreasing impact will trigger a review of sponsored status by the SIGHPC EC.
Paper Selection Process:
SIGHPC aims to maintain the highest technical and professional standards for our sponsored conferences. The following technical program review and publication practices are strongly recommended:
Use dual-anonymous review for technical manuscript selection.
If the review process offers a rebuttal phase, then the authors should be allowed to submit a minor revision that may include additional results instead of or in addition to the rebuttal. SIGHPC strongly recommends conferences consider major revisions to extend shepherding with a full review cycle to ensure quality of the final papers.
How to apply for SIGHPC Sponsorship
In Cooperation Events
In-cooperation conferences do not entail a financial commitment from SIGHPC, and
thus have reduced benefits and responsibilities.
In-Cooperation events are entitled to:
Free entries in the Call for Papers and Professional Calendar sections of Communications of the ACM (CACM)
Special rates on advertisement in CACM, to be arranged directly through ACM
Publicize their event as being held “In-Cooperation with SIGHPC”
If you would like SIGHPC In-Cooperation status for a technical meeting, you will need to meet the ACM guidelines and follow the procedure outlined below. Please note that failure to complete all stages of this process can impact future In-Cooperation proposals for your event.
SIGHPC In-Cooperation Events must meet the following requirements:
The event is not sponsored by a for-profit organization. Events that have corporate entities as supporters or donors rather than sponsors are eligible to apply for In-Cooperation requests.
The proceedings should be made available in the ACM Digital Library.
The event’s dates do not conflict with the SC Conference.
SIGHPC members must receive a registration discount equivalent to any "member" discount offered.
The general chair and/or technical program chair is a member of SIGHPC.
The program committee is finalized and published on the event’s website.
Events must apply ACM’s Considerations When Forming Diverse Teams where appropriate, including forming the conference organizing committee, program committee, and selecting reviewers. These considerations should also be applied when forming speaker lineups.
Collect and report required demographic information for committees, reviewers, authors, and speakers as outlined in Demographic reporting requirements for events affiliated with SIGHPC.
All paperwork must approved prior to issuing the call-for-papers and the CFP must state that the meeting is held “In-Cooperation with SIGHPC”
To host an In-Cooperation Event:
Submit a proposal for In-Cooperation:
Review the ACM guidelines.
Submit the Technical Meeting Request Form (TMRF).
Submit Stage 1 of the In-Cooperation with SIGHPC Supporting Materials form.
After approval for In-Cooperation:
Add "in cooperation with SIGHPC” and the SIGHPC logo to the Call-for-Papers for the event, the event’s website, and any promotional materials.
After the event:
Within 90 days of the event, submit Stage 2 of the In-Cooperation with SIGHPC Supporting Materials form.
Within 120 days of the event, Upload event’s proceedings or report to the ACM Digital Library no later than 120 days after the event.