For Your Career
Whether you are a student, just getting started in your career, or a well-established professional, membership in SIGHPC comes with a wealth of opportunities, resources, connections that will help grow your career. Learn more about all SIGHPC has to offer here.
The ACM Digital Library has an incredible range of resources covering all of computer science. SIGHPC members get a special benefit: free access to the proceedings of any event that is affiliated with our SIG. Check out those resources with convenient links here.
Students can find information about travel grants to HPC community conferences, and the SIGHPC/Intel Computational & Data Science Fellowships.
If you recently finished your PhD dissertation, consider applying for the Outstanding Dissertation Award.
Mid-career women should consider applying for the Emerging Woman Leader in Technical Computing Award, a biennial award open to any woman who has engaged in HPC and technical computing research, education, and/or practice for 5-15 years since receiving her highest degree.
And no matter where you are in your career, consider who you know that may qualify for one of the many awards in the HPC community.