What is the ACM Open Table of Contents (TOC) Service?

The ACM OpenTOC is a unique service that enables Special Interest Groups to open the content from recently held conferences enabling visitors to download the definitive version of the contents from the ACM Digital Library at no charge in perpetuity starting from the conference start date. Downloads of these articles are captured in official ACM statistics, improving the accuracy of usage and impact measurements.

View the OpenTOC pdfs using the following supported platforms:

Note this page doesn't work properly in Safari (links to go articles but you won't have permission to see the full PDF). We are working on a solution.

Readers please note that not all papers from PEARC'22 are open access; these papers are still behind the membership wall for ACM's Digital Library. You will recognize open access papers by the red "PDF" button on the ACM DL page for the article.