Diversity at SC
The following statistics were recorded for attendees at SC17. The following figures show the statistics recorded for the general attendee population. Attendees self-identified as part of the registration process.
SC17 tracked gender information for all committee members and reviewers, with the following results.
The names of speakers and authors were were analyzed to identify the gender breakdown (note that since people were not asked to identify their gender, there is some margin of error in these statistics). "Speakers" included all presenters at keynote, plenary, invited talk, panel, workshop, and tutorial sessions. "Authors" included all names cited by Gordon Bell Prize papers, technical papers, posters, doctoral showcase and visualization showcase submissions that were accepted for presentation.
The SC conference began capturing demographic information in 2016. The following figures show the statistics recorded for the general attendee population. Attendees self-identified as part of the registration process.
SC16 also tracked gender information for all committee members.