Process for in-cooperation

At least 4 weeks before you intend to issue your call-for-papers:

  1. Review the requirements to determine if your meeting is appropriate for in-cooperation status. For further details, you might want to read the ACM guidelines.

  2. Using the in-cooperation proposal template, submit a brief proposal to that includes the following information:

    • Name, location, and dates of the meeting

    • URL for the meeting website

    • (If the meeting has been held before) Prior attendance, site/date, organizers, registration fees, and paper submission/acceptance rates

    • Intended audience and size

    • (If not already available on the meeting website) General description

    • Names/affiliations of the organizers and Program Committee

    • How speakers/submissions will be solicited and what process will be used for review and selection

    • Who the sponsors are and how the meeting is being funded

    • What the attendance policies are (open, invitation-only, etc.)

    • What registration fees and discounts will apply

    • What materials (proceedings, report, presentations, etc.) will be made available to SIGHPC members and how they will be provided to SIGHPC.

    • Who the proceedings publisher is (typically the sponsoring organization) and what arrangements have been discussed for authorizing ACM to distribute the materials.

After your proposal has been approved by SIGHPC:

  1. Fill out the formal ACM Technical Meeting Request Form (TMRF). This includes:

    • The information from your proposal

    • A "statement of understanding" between the sponsoring organization and ACM (see example)

    • A "financial responsibility letter" signed by the sponsoring organization (see example)

  2. Notify when you actually submit the form. SIGHPC will track its progress and make sure nothing delays the processing.

As soon as you receive formal notification-of-approval from ACM:

  1. Prepare the call-for-papers and send a copy to SIGHPC for distribution to its members mail-list

  2. Update your website, being sure to include "in cooperation with SIGHPC" and the logo where necessary (see requirements).

  3. Be sure to collect your publisher's copyright form from each author when they provide the final version of their paper for the proceedings (contact if you're not sure what form to use). A copy of the ACM policy on copyright can be found here.

While organizing your meeting, please keep in mind that SIGHPC believes that HPC can only reach its full potential through the efforts of people from all backgrounds, organizations, and disciplines. The organizers of all SIGHPC-related activities are asked to:

    • Structure their committees to include diverse backgrounds and opinions

    • Establish rigorously fair review/selection processes to ensure there is no explicit or implicit bias against newcomers

    • Choose speaker lineups that include diverse representation

    • Track their progress in improving diversity by gathering and disseminating statistics on the gender/geographical/organizational makeup of committees, reviewers, authors, and speakers

After your meeting:

  1. Within 90 days, prepare a brief summary report and submit it to SIGHPC. ACM requires that the summary include:

    • Number of attendees in each registration category

    • General assessment of the technical quality of the papers

    • General assessment of the quality of the presentations and associated events

    • Any problem areas encountered by the meeting

    • Total anticipated revenue and expenses

    • Demographic statistics including gender, geographical, and organizational information as outlined elsewhere.

  2. If possible, send us a couple of photos as well (to highlight on our website).

  3. Within 120 days of the meeting, upload your copyright forms and proceedings to the ACM Digital Library.